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Virgile Finet


  • Virgile started fencing in 1997

  • He held his first classes in 1999

  • He has 15 years' full-time experience in clubs, schools
    and competitions

  • Several medals and titles in French local Championships

  • Coaching in the UK since January 2018


  • French Maître d'Armes (swordmaster) certificates:

    • 2012 Diplôme d'Etat JEPS

    • 2009 Brevet d'Etat d'Educateur Sportif​


  • Safeguarding & Protecting Children​ in sports

  • Child Protection in Education

  • Prevent duty

  • Emergency first aid at work

  • DBS Clearance​
  • Accredited by British Fencing

Virgile Finet, Swordmaster

Translated from a French article: © Le Télégramme 


Fascinated by fencing he has been practicing from the age of 13, Virgile Finet quickly begins to supervise the young people of his club, in Champagne, where he is from. The young man chose to study sports to become a Physical Education (PE) teacher while continuing to take the federal fencing degrees. "My intention was to become an PE teacher, while being a fencing master at a club. But I discovered during my studies that it was possible to turn my passion into a profession and become a full-time fencing master in a club." The student, living in Burgundy, embarks on the national fencing master sandwich course to earn his state diploma.


Master of techniques and values


In fencing, the coach is a master. Master of three weapons: épée, foil and sabre. Finding a full-time position at a club is an opportunity that Virgile Finet seized in 2011, settling with his family in Vannes. "I give 20 hours of classes within the club and I also intervene in recreation centers and schools where I offer an introduction to the pupils." The coach, who is called master by the youngest, is not only a transmitter of techniques. "I attach great importance to the values that fencing must also convey. It is above all values of respect for the master, the opponent, the referee and oneself. I also want mutual assistance between the players. Fencing is an individual sport, but I want there to be a collective ambition within the club". "En garde!", "Êtes-vous prêt?" "Allez!" "Halte!" : The fight is launched in French, even at the international level, where the language of Molière is official. Each phrase d'arme [Translator's note: sequence of fencing movements] is translated by the referee by a code of signs specific to the discipline where the good gesture also passes by the elegance.

Photo Virgile.jpg

Club manager

Aurelia Tissier

  • She started fencing in 1991​

  • She is a former competitor, 10 times county champion, 3 times regional champion and multi-medalist at various competitions and championships - épée and foil

  • Foil and épée qualified referee (French qualifications)

  • Former elected board member of various French fencing organisations


  • Level 2 coach

  • Safeguarding and Protecting Children in sports

  • Child protection in education

  • Prevent duty

  • First aid emergency at work

  • DBS clearance

Welfare officer

Jeff Rosenbaum


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